Posted by Gregory J Block MSc PhD on Apr 10, 2015

The governance board of Friends of FSH Research has approved a new strategic initiative and growth plan that addresses the changing landscape of research priorities in our field. Armed with the mandate to accelerate research and discovery we have approved a change in governance structure that will allow us to function more nimbly, increase our revenue, and improve our solicitation, review, and funding of the most promising research and researchers.
The changes include:
- The expansion of our governance board, and the separation of program activities into distinct committees made up of board members and volunteers
- Our auction committee that plans and executes the greatest event of the year in Seattle!
- Our fundraising committee that organizes and supports fundraising in the community.
- Our science committee that oversees the legalities and progress of our research program.
- The approval of a budget for the continuation of a Ph.D.–level position that is responsible for managing the research program, the management of the board, and ensuring that we are the most efficient research funding organization that we can be.
To learn more about these changes or our research program contact
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