Posted by Friends of FSH Research on Jan 30, 2014

There was an amazing turnout and show of support for the 10th anniversary Friends of FSH Research Auction and Gala. We completely SOLD OUT once again. It seems like this auction is a place to reconnect with people that you have not seen in, well, a year. But also many new faces this year, as more discover this auction.

Our fantastic auctioneer, David Silverman, put on great show, not only entertaining, but informing the newcomers to this auction. And of course our Master of Ceremonies, Wendy Boglioli, kept everything on track. After the live auction and dinner (and we hope you got to taste the red sauce on the ravioli), DJ Sean Denard got people out of their seats and dancing. He very obviously was able to read his audience quite well, and likely surprised people when they found themselves unable to resist getting up there and dancing.

The grand total for this auction was $196,817. Approximately half of that was provided by Fund-a-Cure donations. That is, people opening their purses and wallets and just giving to directly fund the research. There were wonderful people holding up their bidder card multiple times at the same level, giving again and again. Of course every single level of giving helped, from $50 to $5,000.
To help find a cure, consider a donation of any size. Read more about it here.
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